Post by Koos van den HoutPost by Balwinder S DheemanIn yate client one can simultaneously login arbitrary number of
providers, make and receive H.323, IAX and SIP calls directly to other
people running such clients around or accessible to one's network.
I tried the yate-gtk2 version from debian stable and got somewhat hard
<client/1:MILD> Call rejected error='noroute' reason='No route to call
target' [0x81a2c68]
You need to choose either a provider to which you are registered or
protocol from drop-down lists. The later one to make direct calls and we
need not add sip://, iax:// and, or other h323 protocol prefixes, just
Post by Koos van den HoutAnd on a call via a SIP provider I got absolutely no audio. And could not
find a way to configure audio.
Try choosing one of OSS and, or ALSA module for Yate-gt2 and newer
Yate-qt4, and see which one works better for your installation.
Although, my machines are running on latest Linux kernel version with ALSA modules (OSS is considered obsolete these days), but
the emulated OSS layer of ALSA works better in many a other applications
including yate-clients.
As for as configuration is concerned you may tweak around setting in the
/etc/yate/yate-gtk2.conf or /etc/yate/yate-qt4.conf files
respectively. All you need to do enable or disable loading of
appropriate module in the [modules] section:
-------- 8< --------
; Enable only one of these, as per your operating system
; We need not enable the following, when in client mode
; Use following for debugging and, or tessting
-------- 8< --------
FYI, I don't maintain the official yate packages, but anyone may freely
download latest yate package from my personal repositories:
deb testing main
Hope that helps,
Dr Balwinder S "bsd" Dheeman Registered Linux User: #229709
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